School Policies » Protection of Individual Rights and Responsibility

Protection of Individual Rights and Responsibility



TITLE: 306.02.02 Protection of Individual Rights and Responsibilities

It is the goal of the school to help students develop self-discipline. It is the policy of St. Thomas More School to employ reasonable rules and regulations that allow learning to proceed in a safe and orderly environment. Maintenance of the learning environment is dependent upon the good judgment, cooperation and understanding of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Students' attitudes and actions are expected to reflect the values and philosophy of our school. Respect, courtesy and cooperation are the highest priorities in all student behaviors. Therefore, no student or group of students will be permitted to:
  • Disrupt the academic process.
  • Defy authority by refusal to cooperate with reasonable rules or requests or by disrespectful speech, actions or gestures.
  • Harm the person or property of others.
  • Engage in harmful, vulgar, or obscene behavior including intimidation or sexual harassment.
  • Bring tobacco products, weapons, alcohol, drugs or other potentially harmful items onto school premises.
  • Leave school grounds without the permission of teacher, principal or playground supervisor.
  • Engage in conduct that is contrary to the philosophy of the school or unbecoming of a Christian student.

Violations of the school discipline code may result in disciplinary actions including but not limited to: a discipline referral notice, detention, suspension, or expulsion. In serious or chronic cases, a referral to the school psychologist, psychological evaluation or counseling may be required as terms of continued enrollment. The principal is the final authority in disciplinary matters.

Discipline offenses related to drug use are considered serious and will result in referral to local authorities. Further action may include compulsory counseling or attendance in drug treatment program, suspension or expulsion, referral to school psychologist, or outside counseling.

Each teacher posts classroom rules and consequences and reviews them regularly with the students. Expectations for conduct in general areas (library, playground, lunchroom etcetera) are also posted in the classroom and reviewed with students regularly. It is important to realize that a student is at all times a representative of St. Thomas More School. A student who engages in conduct detrimental to the reputation of the school either inside or outside of the school facility or school day is subject to disciplinary action. The following are age-appropriate expectations for student conduct.


Shares Takes turns

Interacts well with peers follows directions Exhibits adequate attention span

Works independently Demonstrates self-control

Is attentive when others are speaking Completes work

Cares for personal & classroom property

Grades 1-3

Shows reverence during prayer Listens while others are speaking

Is courteous and cooperative Comes to class prepared

Speaks at appropriate times Completes assigned work

Works without disturbing others Works well in groups

Observes school regulations Makes good use of time and materials

Respects authority Follows directions

Grades 4-8

Shows reverence during prayer Respects the rights and property of others

Observes school regulations Respects authority

Is courteous and cooperative Comes to class prepared

Speaks at appropriate times Makes good use of time

Works without disturbing others Works well in groups

Demonstrates honesty and integrity

Students who violate the discipline code are subject to a verbal warning. Continued misconduct or more serious offenses may result in parent notification via a Discipline Notice, with consequences including lunch detention, parent conference, suspension or other action deemed appropriate by the administration.

Repeated or serious violations (more than 3 Detentions or Office Referrals within 30 days) will result in progressively severe disciplinary action.

Author: STMEC

Approval: ________________________________ Date: __________

________________________________ Date: __________

References: STM Handbook

