School Policies » Illness Policy

Illness Policy



TITLE: 311.04.04 Illness

Students who become ill during the school day should notify their teacher or the supervising staff member. Students sent to the office for suspected illness must report to the school secretary. No student is permitted to go home due to illness until the parent has been contacted.

Parents are often not sure when to keep a student home or when to send them to school. Please keep your child(ren) home with the following conditions:

A rash or open sore that has not been evaluated by the doctor
Elevated temperature, vomiting or nausea within 24 hours of the school day
Sore throat or persistent cough
Headache or upper respiratory infection serious enough to disturb your child or others
Conjunctivitis (pinkeye) with matter coming from one or both eyes, itching, crusts on eyelids
Signs of infestation with lice (nits in the hair, itchy scalp the student should be evaluated for treatment with pediculicide. All incidents must be reported to the school office
Communicable diseases such as pertussis, flu, chicken pox, measles, impetigo, and strip throat
Children with contagious illness requiring antibiotic treatment must not return to school for a 24 hour period.

Any child returning to school exhibiting symptoms of a contagious illness will be sent home. If the student is absent 4 days in succession, or excessively (more than 3 days per quarter) the student may be required to present a doctor’s excuse to excuse the absence. Failure to do so may result in a report to local attendance authorities. Students who miss an excessive number of school days in a year (more than 15) may be recommended for retention or required to attend summer school.

If tests are administered during a student’s absence, the student is obligated to make up the test at the testing. Students have the responsibility of reporting to teachers to make arrangements for testing. Students who were present for the announcement of a test should be prepared to take the test as soon as they return to school. Books and assignments for children absent from school may be requested when calling in the absence, and should be picked up by 3:30 pm at the school office.

Author: STMEC

Approval: ________________________________ Date: __________

________________________________ Date: __________

References: STM Handbook

