School Policies » Education Committee Correspondence Policy

Education Committee Correspondence Policy



TITLE: Education Committee Correspondence Policy

Correspondence addressed to and intended for the St. Thomas More Education Committee or any individual member of the committee, shall be assumed relevant for the entire committee membership. Such correspondence will be distributed to the current members for discussion in the next meeting.

The Committee president or another appropriate member will acknowledge receipt of the correspondence within one week, indicating to the sender that the issue will be presented to the entire committee. Upon discussion and resolution by the committee membership, a communication of the status of the issue will be forwarded to the originator.

Correspondence addressed to the Education Committee which falls outside their jurisdiction, shall be acknowledged and passed on to the appropriate school or parish committee or group.

An exception to this policy will be correspondence of a confidential nature concerning staff or students. Correspondence of this nature will be provided to the Principal for resolution as appropriate.

Author: STMEC

Approval: ________________________________ Date: __________

________________________________ Date: __________

References: STM Handbook

