PTO Wacky Walk M.O.R.E. a big success!

The BIGGEST PTO Walk M.O.R.E. winner is ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL!  Our students were able to raise almost $11,600 for our school.  THANK YOU for your generosity and enthusiasm for Walk M.O.R.E.  The weather was just perfect, and our students enjoyed the outdoor walk and activities immensely.  Our amazing PTO and parent volunteers had a great time as well!

Following are the winning students and homerooms:

Top 5 fundraising students from Grades PreK-3:  Koen Hathorn, Jude Gehring, Riley Suber, Kip Lehman, and Lilian Hughes.

Top 5 fundraising students from Grades 4-8:  Nicolas Phillips, Bobby Diana, Ashton Winder, and Jacob Ziebold.  Tied for 5th place are:  Sheridan Threet, Nicholas Spiegla, Ryan Evans, and Gavin Murray. 

All of the above students will win their choice of the following:  A pair of Cincinnati Reds tickets; a pair of FC Cincinnati tickets; two Sky Zone passes; $25 Amazon gift card; $25 Xbox gift card; $25 PS4 gift card. 

Top fundraising homerooms are Miss Biernat’s 1B, who won the Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt party; and Miss Fryman’s 4F, who won the Chick-fil-A party.