About Us » Mission Statement and Statement of Beliefs

Mission Statement and Statement of Beliefs

Mission Statement

St. Thomas More School’s mission is to ground students in their Catholic faith, inspire them to wonder, and challenge them to give their best to the world.

Statement of Beliefs

  1. We believe that every individual is a witness to the teaching of Jesus Christ and has the mission to spread the Gospel to others through prayer, example, and service.
  2. We believe that our school should be a warm, inviting, safe environment where every child can develop his/her unique talents and gifts.
  3. We believe that our school guides our students to reach their full potential through academic excellence as life-long learners.
  4. We believe that the school, as an integral part of the parish, should foster the community spirit by encouraging students to work cooperatively with their peers and other members of the parish.
  5. We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children, working closely with the school staff, while being exemplary faith-filled role models.
  6. We believe that children should develop an appreciation for the arts, for the diversity of cultures in the world, and for the gifts and talents of their peers.
  7. We believe that we should prepare every student to be successful, responsible, Christian members of society.
  8. We believe that technology is an important part of 21st century teaching and learning.
  9. We believe a variety of teaching and learning methods promotes student learning.
  10. We believe high expectations and goal setting foster quality performance while instilling student ownership of learning.