Cardinal Corner Newsletter - March 6, 2020

Dear Parents,

See the attached edition of the latest news and events in the Cardinal Corner. 

Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday.  Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour! 

This coming week is Read Across America Spirit week.  Make sure you check our website calendar for daily events and what students may wear each day.

Our SVDP collection is growing!  Thanks for your continued generosity as we provide for those less fortunate in our area.  The items most needed are protein (such as canned tuna, chicken, and beef ravioli) and personal care items. 

Please note that there is no school on Friday and Monday, March 13 and 16, due to Teacher In-Service days.  Teachers will be analyzing data from our self-study, and writing reports for our accreditation process next year. 

As we continue our Lenten journey, let us reflect on the infinite mercy and forgiveness from our Heavenly Father.



Attached Files