Cardinal Corner Newsletter - February 28, 2020

Dear Parents,

Please see the attached for the latest news in the Cardinal Corner.

Remember that next week we will have IOWA Assessment Testing for grades 2-7.  Please make sure your students get plenty of rest and have a good breakfast each morning next week so they can be at their very best.  We want to encourage students to look at this week as a time to celebrate all they have learned.  While we want to keep the testing low-key, we want them to work hard and do their very best. 

Thank you in advance for continuing to support our food and personal items collection for SVDP during this season of Lent.  A list of suggested items can be found on the front page of our website.

Please be sure to bring your family and join your friends to support our Scouts at the Fish Fry every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday). 

As we continue on our Lenten journey, may we learn, grow, and rejoice in this season of reflection and preparation. 



Attached Files