West Clermont transportation change

West Clermont (WC) transportation change.  If you live in the WC school district call WC transportation at 513-752-4020 to request service if you have not already done so.  This is new this year.  You will not receive a post card with busing information. You must contact them to request service.  Beginning August 10, you will be able to log in to their website to see busing information. 
Click "Departments" drop down menu and choose Central Enrollment
In the Quick Links section click on Bus Route E-Link
Username: all caps, first two letters of last name and first four letters of first name of one of your students.  ex. Marsha Barnes would be BAMARS
Password: 8 digit DOB ex. January 14, 2010 would be 01142010.
If your child will be dropped off or picked up at a location other than home (such as a day care or sitter), you must complete the attached form and fax it to West Clermont Transportation at 752-2376 by August 23.  Please note that drop off to a location or pick up from a location other than home must be to the same location 5 days per week.  
Beginning August 10, if you have trouble logging in you can contact WC transportation at 513-752-4020 or our school office at 513-753-2540.